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In addition, organizations and groups working with specific sectors or issues-for example, childrens rights groups, womens groups and trade unions-regularly conduct educational programs. This module • examines the role of education in undermining as well as enhancing human dignity; • identifies elements of an educational practice for a rights-based approach; and • suggests some creative ways of conducting a human rights education program. Other initiatives have included the development of national action plans by governments and educational programs conducted by local nongovernmental groups. One such initiative was under­taken by the United Nations when it designated the period 1995-2004 as the Decade for Hu­man Rights Education. Essay on education importance. Introduction The salience of human rights has contributed to the development of numerous initiatives to further popularize the notion and principles of human rights.

A new thread is offering some fascinating insights into the strange lives of men who have purchased mail-order brides. The discussion, which focuses on brides from Russia and the Philippines and has so far garnered more than 10,000 comments, asked users to spill the beans on what 'surprised' them the most when they started living with their spouses.

'[She] spoke about sex the same way she spoke about housework,' wrote one, while another confessed: 'I could always tell she was uncomfortable. It seemed like she was just doing a job.' Ruse awakening: The Reddit thread asked users to spill the beans on what 'surprised' them the most when they started living with their spouses One user described the process of 'ordering' a bride from Russia or the Philippines, where thousands of women are desperate to start a new life for themselves in Europe and the US. The fee to find a bride this way, according to this user, costs between $10,000 (£6,500) and $15,000 (£9,800), although others have said they paid as much as $50,000 (£32,700). 'Since a large amount of these foreign brides do not speak English, a person must hire a translator for phone and other forms of correspondence,' he explains. At least with a gold digger it isn’t painfully obvious Several men, who had presumably since split with their mail-order brides, noted that the sexual chemistry was lacking.


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'She would cook, clean, offer sex, whatever,' one wrote. 'Pretty much what you want from your wife.

But the passion, emotion, warmth, everything that makes a marriage actually work was lacking. 'You could liken it to a gold digger but it was much worse.

At least with a gold digger it isn’t painfully obvious, and you might actually convince yourself she likes some aspect of you.' Another found the opposite. 'The only thing I can think of is that she is very open about sexuality compared to most girls,' wrote one man, a 35-year-old who said he had cerebral palsy, and spent $22,000 [£14,395] to secure his bride. Women empowerment essays for sale food Just a chore: '[She] spoke about sex the same way she spoke about housework,' wrote one submitter One user wrote: 'She seemed under the impression that a man was to be kept like a king and she was there for food and sex.' But then added: 'The biggest surprise was finding out that when his 'wife' was sending money 'back home to her family', it was to her husband (not 'ex') and kids in the Philippines.' Amid all the stories about disappointed grooms, there were a few sad accounts regarding the brides. She seemed under the impression that a man was to be kept like a king and she was there for food and sex One user wrote of a friend's mail-order wife: '[She] had a ridiculous amount of humidifiers in the home so that it could be more like where she came from.

All she did was to sit in a chair staring at the wall looking very depressed.' Another commented: 'There's way too many cases in which those girls looking for a better life end up in bad stories of domestic abuse and even murder when those guys start realizing that the girls are way out of their league and they start to meet new people and making friends.' Regardless of where you stand, the mail-order business is booming - Russianbrides.com now boasts an online community of more than one million hopefuls - and shows no sign of slowing down.