Women Empowerment Essays Journal For Research

Women Empowerment Essay: Emancipation, Strategies, and Challenges. In India, women have rights which they can practice for the status of equality, but unfortunately, in reality, the society has many misconceptions regarding these laws passed by the Government. Empowerment essay free. Women Empowerment refers to increasing and improving the social, economic, political and legal strength of the women, to ensure equal-right to women, and to make them confident enough to claim their rights, such as. Essay on Women Empowerment: Its Meaning and Importance. Category: Essays and Paragraphs On August 6, 2015 By Team Work. Women Empowerment Essay 3 (200 words) India is a very famous country known for its cultural heritage, traditions, civilization, religion and geographical features from the ancient time.

Women Empowerment Essay: Emancipation, Strategies, and Challenges In India, women have rights which they can practice for the status of equality, but unfortunately, in reality, the society has many misconceptions regarding these laws passed by the Government. The religious customs and beliefs followed by the people make them unfair towards women or girl child. It is crucial that we wake up and take responsibility for these issues as the number of headlines related to rape, abduction, and killing of girl child after sex. It is crucial to resolve these problems from the root and eradicate it before the matter gets difficult to control. Increasing number of suicide and death of women, preventing them from education and other such factors will eventually affect the people in the country in a long-run. You can use ‘Women empowerment Essay’ as a reference for writing your essay.

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  1. Empowerment Essay Free

You can take the help of the points we have mentioned in this essay. The structure of the essay is as follows: • Importance of Women Empowerment • Need for women empowerment in India • Issues and problems faced by women • Role of Government Women Empowerment Essay Women empowerment is granting women the freedom to make the required life choices for themselves. Patriarchal society in most countries has been the main reason for discrimination against women in most of the countries all over the world. Even if 50% of the population consists of women, the rights, and authority to make a decision are denied to women. Hence, women empowerment has not been entirely accepted by most countries, and this is becoming a significant issue in the overall development of a nation. Preventing women from the rights that they deserve will bring down the status of a country in future.

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Recommended Essay: 2. Importance of women empowerment. The importance of women empowerment is highlighted below with the rights and laws passed by the Government. Individual rights- A woman should have the freedom to share and express her opinion. Individual empowerment can be conquered by gaining self-confidence and right decisions. Hence, it is essential that women should be aware of their rights and social positions. Empowering women education- Education plays a significant role in social, economic and political areas where gender equality should be given more preference compared to the present condition.

Women Empowerment Essays Journal For Research

Empowerment Essay Free

It is also crucial that women and men should get equal opportunities, rights, and facilities regarding pursuing the desired career. Economic and occupation – It is vital to reduce the financial dependence of women by making significant changes in the human resources. A better lifestyle can be opted by family and society if women are encouraged for cottage or small businesses. Awareness of legal knowledge – There is an effective legal structure which supports women empowerment and the importance of spread awareness among women. It can be leveraged to diminish the gap between the preference given to men and women. Political Empowerment – Women participation should be encouraged in politics concerning the decision-making process. The laws passed to support women empowerment are as follows: • Article 14– Equality • Article 16 (2)– Equal Opportunities • Article 23– Prohibition of human trafficking and forced labour • Article 39(a)– Both men & women equally have the right to sufficient means of livelihood • Article 40 (after the 73rd Amendment) – Reservation of 1/3rdof seats in Gram panchayats for women • Article 42–Better working conditions for women & sufficient maternity leave • Article 51 A (e)– One of the duties of every citizen is to renounce practices derogatory to the dignity of woman.

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